Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Gotta work today at GR2 again for a few hours. Guess what? That means we need more staff. I'll stand under Ray Fong once more! Come and visit, it's monday.
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GR 41′s interview of Star Trek’s George Takei Sulu got some small props in the toronto Star. It’s a weird column, with a lot of quotes from the article, and small amount of editorial. No one can’t deny George Takei is awesome.
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GR 41's interview of Star Trek's George Takei Sulu got some small props in the toronto Star. It's a weird column, with a lot of quotes from the article, and small amount of editorial. No one can't deny George Takei is awesome.

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I’ve been working on some side projects, some for fun, but mostly as design exercises. We’ll see how everything comes out. You’ll eventually see these items I hope!
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