Closing Night LAAPFF (Film Festival)

Another year rolls by. The LA Asian Pacific Film Festival has run through a week of film programming. Congrats to the folks who work on this festival. It’s looking up – way up. The closing night took place at the CGV Cinemas in Koreatown. The pics don’t do the event justice, but that’s my cousin Michael Aki who starred in the film, Daylight Savings. Yes, there are better photos of him, but these are iPhone specials!



People dancing and Michael stares at who knows what. A starlet?


Then it’s beer time. Chug.

OX Tail soup. It was quite good and it was from an unnamed Korean restaurant.


Goh Nakamura at the party.


The night ends at Suehiro. I used to not like these folks so much, but now, fine with me. Tofu, Saba (mackerel) and Natto at 1am. The secret great part is that cabbage.