Nosaj Thing – FYF Fest teaser

Nosaj Thing record release party at UNDFTD (June 12, 2009)

FYF Festis coming up on Saturday, and I can’t wait to bake in the sun, wait in line for whatever meatless food is available, and use stinky port-a-potties. Namely because the annual show has a killer lineup with a lot of GR favorites including Descendents (canned coffee drink reviews as ALL way back in GR12), Strange Boys (mag interview), OFF! (online interview), and Weakerthans (Robot Power). And then there’s Jason Chung a.k.a. Nosaj Thing, whom I met through the Free The Robots guys and interviewed at The Crosby prior to the release of his debut album. On the cusp of seeing Jason play in a huge festival setting, I felt like this was a good time to catch up with him.

MW: You just played with LL Cool J and De La Soul. Now you’ve got the Descendents. Has playing with legends gotten old yet?
JC: No way, it’s been an amazing experience. I never thought I would be sharing stages with artists like that.

MW: You always adjust your sound for the audience or occasion but are there certain changes you makes for these sorts of punk or rock situations? Like Coachella…
JC: I do like to change up my sets for different shows. Depending on the show, I’ll make some quick edits or remixes, but I tend like to keep most of the song songs true to the original sounds.

MW: As everyone gets bigger and tours more, is it hard to keep in touch with local peers like the Glitch Mob, Free The Robots, Daedelus, etc.? Or maybe I’m just projecting that there’s this scene of  friends/group of artists coming up together at this time…
JC: Not at all. I usually stay in touch via chat and see them at Low End Theory when I’m in town.

MW: It does feel like you’ve been on the road nonstop since the album came out. How do you carve out time for new music?
JC: I toured non-stop last year and focusing more on recording this year. I hope to be done with the next album really soon.

MW: Who are you excited about seeing or meeting at FYF?
JC: I’m looking forward to checking out Four Tet, Girls, Simian Mobile Disco, Decendents, and Explosions In The Sky.

Hear Jason’s music and find out the latest at and then say hi to him (and me) at FYF. His set will freak you out!