Eyeing China for Film – like ABC?
Frontiers are hard to come by, especially one that looks to be something akin to a Gold Rush. Cinema in China might be one such frontier. Imagine, people are looking for a billion idle eyes who want to see something great. Brad Pitt? Leonardo DiCaprio? An extra billion possible dollars? The ticket sales have gone up, and it’s obvious it’s either, get in or not. This is just another article trying to push this idea forward. It’s not successful yet, but people are trying. Wayne Wang’s Snow Flower and the Secret Fan was one such experiment. Hugh Jackman was in this and it’s a Chinese movie that’s (and check out these abbreviations! A) made by An American Born Chinese, B. Backed by Hollywood, but C. Made in China. It’s like a triangle of effort. A, B and C.
Wayne Wang (L) being filmed by Director Sheldon Candis (R)
Here’s an LA Times article – Red China
Wayne Wang talks a little about the Film at Huffington – Wayne.