Higher Post-disaster Suicide Rates in Japan
“National suicide figures increased the two months following the disaster, the figures show.” Even some survivors of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami in Japan didn’t survive. And we are not talking about the Fukushima 50, who many suspect are mere walking dead now following their heroic acts in the highly-irradiated nuclear power plant. No, suicide is once again making the news coming out of Japan. On Wednesday, the Japanese National Police Agency reported that suicides for the month of May rose above 3,000 for the first time in two years. The total number, 3,281, is also a 20 percent increase from May, 2010. In Fukushima, there were 19 more suicides in May of this year than in 2010, for a total of 68. No direct evidence has been offered linking the March 11th disaster and the subsequent nuclear crisis with the increased suicide rates. But taking a moment to make the leap in one’s mind isn’t very hard to do. (CNN World – Japan Suicide Rates Higher)