Upcoming Doc Film: The Delano Manongs: Forgotten Heroes of the UFW (United Farm Workers)

The Delano Manongs: Forgotten Heroes of the UFW (United Farm Workers)

Cesar Chavez day just passed and some of you might have had a holiday. Yes, he get a holiday, but what about the Pilipinos who were setting up the unions. In fact, the Pilipinos were setting up a protest (1965 Grape Strike) and then that’s when the Mexicans joined in. Larry Itliong looks bad ass in this and no one really knows who he is. I’ll admit at the Smithsonian Advisory Panel I tried to help at, his name came up a few times. Yes, I know some of the players, but I didn’t know who he was. Where was he in my history books? This doc should change that for some. Hope it gets to Netflix for the rest of the world. Here’s some more info here at multiamerican.scpr.org and more at the documentary Delanomanongs.com website! (That’s where I will credit the photo of Larry Itliong)

The Delano Manongs from Media Factory on Vimeo.