O’Hare Tunnel - Terminal C to B
The most boring time is between plane flights. The stop over. There's nothing to do, except you do become more observant. Is there something to steal, get free, eat on the cheap? A rad place to sit where others aren't looking over your shoulder? A spot by an outlet maybe? At Chicago's O'Hare I got to walk through the infamous Sky's The Limit piece by Michael Hayden. The music is by William Kraft. It's not the most original find, everyone has seen this, but at the right time when you're bored as hell. This is like an oasis. I actually like this, and it's a remnant from the 80s! The curvy lines and lighting holds up. The neon though kind of doesn't, but it's cool to ride an escalator under neon art. I think it's the only way I can really digest it.