Coke Store Vegas
I don't go to Vegas enough to see the ridiculous things that exist there. I forget that there's these really strange shops that only exist there. A Coke store? Why don't they have these everywhere? You can actually order a soda taster which is a bunch of dixie type cups filled with soda samples from around the world. Would I want this? No, but a lot of people did. I'm not sure why so many people shop at the Coke store in Vegas. Can't you get Coke anywhere? Do you really want a T-shirt, golf bag, cap, or soccer ball from here? I guess people do. I don't get it. We can work our asses off to bring original art, assorted hard to find goods, awesome books and comics, and we even design our own goods, but there's millions of folks more who'd rather have a Coke item.