Uniqlo line - Marketing works.
I'm often amazed at what ingenuity that people behind their computers can produce. Uniqlo line is one of those things. It's geeky, fun for a sec, and connects you in some ways the world. Not really, but literally yes, usefully, no. You may not ever check up on your avatar that's sitting in a line that keeps getting longer, but you might enjoy it for a quick second. The Uniqlo virtual world looks neat, but it's ironic how virtually, you're stuck in line. Basically, it's a gimmick for them to get more Twitter followers. You follow them, send a Twitter message, and you basically pass their site and Twitter follow button forward – just so you can be narcissistic just like me, I guess, and the near 60k+ others who've done this so far. A great gimmick that's fun and graphically neat.