CAPE - the talk
Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment. They graciously invited me to be the subject of a talk. The weird thing is that Daniel Wu moderated, instead of being on the hot seat. This event would have probably worked better the other way around. I’m sure many thought that’s how it was going to be. The only thing… I wish Martin could have been there. His household had girls night out, so his wife, Wendy came along with his sister, Angelyn. As Martin said, “that’s the next best thing.” Cool.

I dressed a bit better than normal. Daniel said he was going to wear some nice threads, but came in street attire. Daniel was great as a moderator. I’ve known Daniel for 10 years perhaps, and usually we’d ask him questions, but not today. He actually refused interviews with Chinese press since he didn’t want to take away from the event.