Comicon Day 2, Sunday and Over

You know you’re in trouble when you see “URBAN VINYL” look like this. Recall, one year ago, I photographed Diamond comics with the box that said “URBAN VINYL” on it, and although they probably don’t make these, I didn’t like them at all. I’m not sure if a Urbanized Han Solo or Boba Fett is the way to go. When I see this, I think it’s the end of the vinyl doll craze, but it’s not. Have any opinions on this?

This morning, a funny thing was taking place. Look at this photo. You see the dog just looking at me as if he was skeptical old man. Not saying a word, but just watching away. But the dog owners were in back. It’s overcast, a little cold, and in this empty playground are a couple who get their morning exercise by throwing a Frisbee at each other. I would agree that Frisbee throwing is a lot of fun, but for some reason, this didn’t fit at all.

The top row of handmade crochet plush are amazing.

Plenty is said in hush hush about the above kaiju. What do you think?


Pillow fight with Uglies. It was a daydream for you some of you Uglyfans.