work work
Busy day today, work? yeah, what about it? Gotta get to it. I hit the Long Beach flea market, I got another tillandsia. This time, it’s a bigger one. The older fella told me that you could use aquarium glue or even hit a nail through the plant to a piece of wood and hang it and eventually the plant will grow around the wood and turn into a ball of Tribble. I’m slowly learning about these plants, and maybe one day, I’ll really figure them out. Right now, I’m sort of like the shell collector at the beach, just picking up shiny things without knowing anything about them.
I also got few postcards which I’ll need for “work” which hopefully you’ll see one day in a film format. Remember I was editing? Yeah, got that done. A 20 minute piece that has a lot of potential, but so much to go. We showed that at Imprint. I’ll get to Imprint later and tell you more about that. It’s actually still digesting.