By gr on 2006-11-18
Sawtelle People
If you're out on Sawtelle Blvd, here's some people you'll see. This is in front of Safe and Save Market, the hub of the area - in my opinion.
If you're out on Sawtelle Blvd, here's some people you'll see. This is in front of Safe and Save Market, the hub of the area - in my opinion.
Christian. From what I can tell, he's the tough one. Wait both of these kids are tough... He's younger. I think! The brothers are a year apart, and I guess I can only be 50% right. Is he racking that bottle of Gatorade?
Jalen? Almost a sci-fi ish name, maybe something like Planet of the Apes Galen... but then again, think about Jalen Rose - one of the Fab 5. I should ask about where that name came from. If it's Jalen Rose, then shit... This kid has to be tough. After looking at the pics, I dunno which is which anymore. But what ever he has in the bag must be good. See them on their bikes cruising around.