GR2: 11/29 7pm Small Business Caturday - Zoe Ruiz, Yumi Sakugawa, Mari Naomi, Jen Wang

Join GR2 for a night of comic readings and stories (some of them cat-related) by Los Angeles-based comic book artists and writers MariNaomi, Zoe Ruiz, Yumi Sakugawa and Jen Wang.

Visual comic presentations and readings will be followed by author signings, including the newest fall book titles from MariNaomi (DRAGON'S BREATH, 2D Cloud), Jen Wang (IN REAL LIFE, First Second) and Yumi Sakugawa (YOUR ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO BECOMING WITH THE UNIVERSE, Adams Media).

Some of the authors will be selling original artwork!

Cat-themed refreshments will be served!

Support #smallbizsaturday by hanging out at your favorite art gallery and store GR2!

2062 Sawtelle Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025

7:00 - 9:30PM



MARINAOMI is the author and illustrator of the award-winning graphic memoir Kiss & Tell: A Romantic Resume, Ages 0 to 22 (Harper Perennial), the upcoming Turning Japanese (2D Cloud), and her self-published zine, Estrus Comics (1998 to 2009). Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies, including the Eisner-nominated No Straight Lines, Anything That Loves, Ignatz-winning QU33R and Action Girl Comics. Her comics and essays have been featured on The Rumpus, The Weeklings, Truth-out, SFBay.CA, The Comics Journal, The Bay Citizen, XOJane, Midnight Breakfast and more. She is the creator and curator of the Cartoonists of Color and LGBTQ Cartoonists databases. Visit her website at

ZOË RUIZ lives and writes in Los Angeles. Her writing has appeared in Ohio Edit, The Weeklings, Salon, Two Serious Ladies, the anthology California Prose Directory (2014), among other places. She is the former managing editor of The Rumpus and current Publicity & Events Associate at Kaya Press. She curates READINGS, a Los Angeles based reading series.

YUMI SAKUGAWA is a comic book artist and the author of I THINK I AM IN FRIEND-LOVE WITH YOU and YOUR ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO BECOMING ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE. She is a regular comic contributor to The Rumpus and Her comics have also appeared in Bitch, the Best American Non­Required Reading 2014, Folio, Fjords Review, and other publications. A graduate from the fine art program of University of California, Los Angeles, she lives in southern California. Visit her on the web at

JEN WANG is an cartoonist and illustrator currently living in Los Angeles. Her comics and work have appeared in Nickelodeon, Abrams Books, LA Magazine, Tor, and BOOM! Comics. and Her first graphic novel KOKO BE GOOD was published by First Second. IN REAL LIFE, co-written by Cory Doctorow, is out now.