Sunsets Plays in New York, Calder Shows in NY, and I Love Banana Magazine
Alexander Calder shows at the Whitney Museum and the exhibition demonstrates the eye for design and an original creative spirit. Mobiles and Stabiles may be too close together in this space, but we did get to see an art handler move the pieces. We carefully got close to the third piece that was nudged hence I shot the above photo unobstructed by people. I asked if Calder made notes to tell folks how and where to move the pieces and he said Calder did leave some notes but the Calder Foundation gave him some tips. That's Eugenia Yuan on the left.
I like how the security guards fit this piece nicely. I'll guess someone thought of that before but it was funny. In the end we're sculptures too.
That's another of Eugenia Yuan this time shooting a photo of a mobile.
That's a Ruth Asawa piece! Awesome to see it up close.
Vince from My Plastic Heart. I had a great time at the shop and that's what shops can do. There's a lot more to say about this, but his shop is fun. It's been 11 years here and it was great to see Stickymonger and Peter Kato again. They're NY people embroiled in art and toys.
I owe this duo a way nicer photo but it was super dark. That's Vicki Ho and Kathleen Tso. Their Asian American magazine is clean, pretty, nice, thick, powerful, and has the making of a future. They released issue 3 recently and they "get it" at an early age. Wish I did! There's more to say here and who knows, maybe there's a project in the future. I shot some photos with my film camera, so we'll see! We talked about magazines and more for over an hour. They're going to rock.
Sunsets played at the AAIFF after 20 years. We did it. Today is the panel discussion. It's been 20 and glad it got another small breath of air. We talked about it during the Q and A and I thank the small audience for coming in. That's Judy Lei, she's the director of the AAIFF. That's Michael Aki my cousin, co-director, actor, etc.