Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Most of these wouldn't make it into my Top 10 in print because of the timing of the event and the magazine, or because it's perfect for this blog post.
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Check these dudes out. So nice to us! They did this after hitting us up, and well, like the love that came from Schema, theirs just showed up at the same time. The Pacific Northwest support is being overwhelming at the moment. Check them out back too.
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Shipping to your mail box, book store, zine shop, or even 7-11 or market in some places, is the new issue. It's tough to make the mag, that's not changing yet. We do need all of your support. This is a nice issue. It's filled with great content and we'll keep it going. Have a business? Advertise in us!
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That's J.J. Abrams left and Bryan Burk on the right from Lost. J.J. is the creator, Bryan an exec producer. See the model left of J.J.? That's the beach with that statue intact. Awesome. Although they're in super high positions of power in the Hollywood machine, they're super jokey. When speaking about Daniel Dae Kim, it's all smiles, shits, and giggles. (Yes, Hawaii 5-0 was picked up by CBS this upcoming season with Both Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park having large roles).
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