Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
I wish I knew exactly what reptile this is. The only thing I know is that his name is Bob, and Bob is gigantic. I saw him at a pet store in Santa Monica, and it was sort of freaky. Look at the deterring sign below.
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Uglydolls are a phenomenon. It’s proven by this thread from their forums. It seems complete, but I’m not sure if it is. I have the piece above, that I don’t see in his list. But it’s quite great. I’m sure there are others. Two more Uglydolls are at GR store, and those too are handmade. Yes, they’re somewhat faded, but that’s how they are supposed to be – not part of a collector’s wet dream, but actually a permanent part of the GR Store. That’s how handmade Uglydolls can be as well and hopefully how David and Sun-min intended them to be. That said, maybe I should take them home! Here a link to the forums.
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Does anyone out there know who made these T-Shirts? I don’t know what I’d do if I had the information, but these are the prototypes for what’s become the racist t-shirts made by conglomerate companies all over the world. Yet, this particular brand was made in the 70s and maybe 80s by a company who must have been local to Southern California, Japanese American, and I had a bunch of them, and wore them religiously. It was a form of yellow power. Shirts by “us” and for “us”. I remember one saying, Kamikaze Taxi, need a cab, with a full buck toothed driver of a cab that was in old school hot rod Ratfink style. Another was Ichibun with a samurai scratching his ass. I had the Year of the Cock shirts, and of course they had one for each Asian zodiac animal. Then there was monku monku monku – bitch bitch bitch. There were probably more that I don’t remember. The one above, Rotsa Ruck is one that I don’t remember at all. Look at the color of the shirt first of all. One of the best parts was the geta slippers on the front as a chest print. That was their logo, but they never did neck tags, so I have no idea what they were called. I bought this at a resale vintage shop for $18. They had another logo, a rising sun with a stereotypical buck toothed dude in the center of it. I wish I had those shirts too.
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It’s easy to say, More Than a Game is a good documentary, and I guess I just did. Is it as great as Hoop Dreams? It’s not quite there to be honest, but knowing the Lebron James angle and what he’s become, does make you want to see how he got there. This is what makes this film valuable. You get a great peek at his friends, the Fab 4 which later becomes to Fab 5, the 4 knew each other from when they were little, 11 years old and they played basketball together all the way through high school. Imagine the bond and how their friendship determined how and where they would play. I especially like Dru Joyce III in the center. He played high school ball and was sub 5 feet tall! Of course Nike is involved. Here’s their link to the movie. Meanwhile Kobe was voted as the player of the decade by the Sporting News. Lebron may be the guy for the next decade.
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See that long string thing? That’s a subterranean termite mud tunnel going from the ground up. It’s amazing how they can make such things, but this is under a house which gets no breeze. The tunnels are made of their excrement, so it must bolster the tube. I’m actually amazed at what they can do. If you break their moist poo tunnel, they’ll die since they’ll dry out. Evidently, a termite inspector will mark the spots with an S for subterranean for the next person who works on the property (even if they don’t get the job). According to one inspector, he said, these folks did a good job before him, and that’s what they’re supposed to do. Evidently, there’s a code of conduct for Termite exterminators. That’s cool. Of course what’s not cool is that he came out from under the house nodding his head “no” and dropped me the bad news. See the tunnels in the corners? The termite guy put an S in that spot. That’s indoors.
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