Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Realms Ako Castuera, Elsa Mora, and Yellena James. That’s Ako and her father pictured above. He’s got style. The exhibition went without a hitch. The work looks great and the combination of the three couldn’t have been any better. The surprise of the bunch is GR newcomer Elsa Mora who’s works amazed. They’re paper cuts, but as you can see below, some pieces are folded, and turned into a figurative version of objects. The cuts themselves are delicate and precious and anyone who takes the time to look will have their imaginations piqued. The pieces stun everyone. Here’s alink to all of the work.

That’s Elsa and her daughter. Kind of a touching photo as Elsa takes a look at Ako’s works.

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GR: What did you think when you first saw Jakuchu’s work?

JP: I had no idea who the artist was. I haven’t heard about Japanese art, let alone know the artists. I could see in this painting the essense of nature, the feeling of nature was captured by getting rid of everything in the actual world of a grapevine that wasn’t necessary, leaving only the essence. If you look at the painting, a grape vine doesn’t look like that. It’s only the feeling of a grapevine that comes through it’s beauty. Any artist who can take nature and make it more beautiful that’s what I fell in love with. I like to have it on exhibit in different places, I want other people a chance to see this same beauty that I see.

GR: Are you still adding to your collection?

JP: I don’t room anymore. I’ve got too much now. I want it to be seen and get it out.


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Interviewing Jon Moritsugu is an adventure. Since Giant Robot 1 until now, this man and wife Amy Davis continue to be interesting. As strange and odd that their films are, so are their interviews. It’s energy many times over and the text nearly conveys the sounds of their voices. Jon will sea, “yeah man!” fast. Amy Davis will say “woohoo, and some retort that’s either from 2020 or 1985. Yes they could be from the future. Making films since the early 90s, Jon has fought the indie fight and years later, there’s still no ballads. A romantic comedy? Sure, almost all of his films have that, but pigs, blood, engines, and experimental energy? Yes, that goes with it too. A champion in the underground film communities world wide, 2011, video and faster filmmaking has finally caught up. Maybe now people will understand his movies.

GR: Tell me about your relationship with the TV on the Radio dude?

JM: Kyp Malone is our old bud. Amy and I met him in 2000 in Frisco and cast him as a lead in our flick, SCUMROCK. A few days after we wrapped, he split for NYC and yadda yadda the rest is rock n’ roll BRKLYN history.

He got in touch with us for this project and wanted to tap into our duo-creative-team-vision… (we now co-run APATHY PRODUCTIONS). Project totally rocked – HARD. Kyp came up with the concept and then we ran with it. He wanted “Conservative American Bandstand” morphs into “Daggering Day Glo Feathered Sequined Sweating Glitter Ressurection” He wanted a sex- laced, confetti-dusted catharsis… dance while guru Michael Musto) sweeping up all the pop cultural messiness… like he does every day. Ahhh semiotics… delicious.

(see the video here)

GR: What’s it like making a music video for a band that’s gigantic?

JM:Really no different than shooting anything else, right?!  I mean, you gots some people, some equipment, you shoot and then you edit. Only amateurs get wigged out by concerns like, “oh this band it gigantic.” It’s all just people… and Amy and I, as directors of the project, are really just trying to create a “safe space” for actors and crew so that the KUNST can be created… Ya gotta be there for the kids.

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[youtube]p8d2tr0o1wU[/youtube] Ito Jakuchu was born in 1716 and died in 1800. So, he’s no longer with us. Yet, my contention is that if he were alive, he’d be a friend of ours. This video was shot, edited, and directed by myself. I also recorded the sound on a separate piece of equipment. This is the second Giant Robot – Artist Friends Series video. I hope I can keep this up. It’s a challenge and this is a fun way to approach art. And Yes catch this exhibition at the Bowers Museum in Orange County, CA. I hope you enjoy the video.
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[youtube]HX74R4Cqiz0[/youtube] Here’s a short film about Ako Castuera. It’s part of a new video series I intend to pursue called, the Artist Friends Series. I shot, recorded, and edited this film, and got a great music contribution from Goh Nakamura and Tim Bulkley. I’ve known Ako for many years, and actually met her at her Art’s Crab Shack days in Oakland, CA in the mid-later 90s while she was enrolled at CCAC. She’s married to artist, Rob Sato and pursues work that involves nature, humans, and dinosaurs. Often using watercolors, she’s also a knitter and makes beautiful tapestry pieces, and that hat that’s resting on the back of the chair. She’s 1/3 of the Realms exhibition taking place this saturday at Giant Robot 2 in LA along with Elsa Mora and Yellena James. Some preview images are at
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