Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Sometimes, cinema isn’t just to tell a story. It’s has no exact ending. In this case, it’s a process that’ll take longer than the duration of the making and of the showing of his film. This is a touching Story written by Andrew Ahn, a Korean American and gay filmmaker who made his project to come out to his parents. This is the story. Andrew Ahn mentions, “I did this because I knew I wouldn’t be able to say the words “I’m gay.” I’ve tried many times; to sit my parents down on the couch and tell them. But by making a film, I’d have this train, this production pushing me forward. And by casting my parents in the film, I was forcing myself off the ledge. The filmmaking process both distracted and prepared me for the inevitable – that I would eventually have to show my parents the finished film.” (HuffPost – Andrew Ahn)
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This isn’t a Top Ten list like “Best Concert, Best Movie, or Best Toy”. It’s a list that’s as important and there are highlights in them all, but by no means is it a Top Ten of anything. They’re just important as everything else – family, friends, and so on. Maybe I’ll try and turn out a list that’s more like that…


 We painted the mural on the wall. That alone was an 11 hour project. 


Zen Garage – The year started off great with the Zen Garage art opening just a few days before the new year. Yet, the actual New Year’s Day kicked off with the Oshogatsu program at JANM. It was motor vehicles including the Giant Robot Scion Car I designed but also custom motorcycles and the now vintage David Choe Scion. Thanks to Len Higa and Shinya Kimura for jumping on board. The year began with a GR show in a museum – it’s a great start with you get to do a project with friends, new friends, and a place like JANM. Collaboration can be more fun than doing something alone.


 It’s great when artists install their own work. 


James Jean Art Show – Aside from it being one of the greater or even greatest art shows of the year, it also indelibly marked the night that the earthquake struck Japan. I recall, it was at the after party, the twitter messages were beginning. An 8.9 quake? The thought of a giant quake was one thing, yes there would be lives lost and yes a lot of damage, but less than an hour later, the Tsunami hit the shores and that’s when the things got real, it became internet news for days straight.

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Can this be a scam? Roughed up might be a nice word for it, but really, how rough was it? His rant and yelling at a crew member in the past is more of a “roughing up”. Surely the crew with Christian Bale knew that visiting an activist who’s heavily guarded would created great news footage in preparation for his Flowers of War film which takes place in China. The Chinese blind activist makes for great news. Great promo for the film. (CNN – Bale)  
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It wasn’t easy to pick the 10 winners of the tickets for two to see Norwegian Wood. There were 60+ entries for the ten spots. They were picked by me based on whatever criteria I felt at the moment. There isn’t a “if I write more, I have a better chance” system. It could be how I felt at that moment and your short poetic words caught me off guard, maybe that’s how I picked. If you didn’t get in, please try again during our next giveaway. Some of your words were too generic, in a “let me in” type of way, but if you offered just a little more, you were in the running. Here’s my picks. (I left the editing part out, some probably wrote from their smart phones and some carefully crafted their words)


The 100% Perfect Girl

I’m a huge Haruki Murakami fan. I have his more recent books but unfortunately haven’t read Norwegian Wood. I loved 1Q84. I just found out about this movie a week ago and was stoked. I’d love to attend and already know “the 100% perfect girl” who would be my date, as she’s a big fan too!
Greg Wong

-Greg, you are the dark horse, there are fans of all of his books, fans of the filmmaker, and fans of the actors who aren’t getting in, but this “100% perfect girl” is intriguing. If there’s such a thing for you and you know who she is, I’m picking you just on that merit, so hurry and ask her.



oh, let me count the ways…

it was the first murakami book i read almost 20 years ago. and i read it in a tiny, tiny city in southeastern japan, so that made it even more special. i lived a long time in japan, and his books kept me grand company as the still do today. in fact, i just re-read norwegian wood about a month ago and it’s still a lovely little tome to me.

i’m very excited to see this movie, especially because rinko kikuchi is in it.

flipping love her!

ALSO, i speak/read/write japanese, am a member of the Japan Society here in new york, and have always loved me some Giant Robot.

so in closing:

Jennifer Andrews

-Jennifer, Yes, we love her too. I doubt she loves us back the same. The GR plug, a great move. Have a great time.


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Just found this. All apologies to my cousin Michael Aki who did the heavy bulk of the editing and who co made the film. Yes, maybe I said those things about Godard. Thanks Keith Lock, a artist filmmaker dude I met in Toronto who can eat Vegemite. I’m always stunned that people can remember such minute details.   [youtube]ty43Z4kSwDE[/youtube]   [youtube]ExmDcdk4b3A[/youtube]  
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