Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
GR’s co-presented Rhythm Heaven Fever event took place last night.
Play the game, experience the fever and enjoy. It’s simple to have a video game, but it’s hard to create a movement around it. Rhythm Heaven Fever is one of those games that can grow a cult ala Katamari and Parappa. It’s a cute game, rhythmic, and released originally in Japan and the hardcore fans came out to iam8bit space in Echo Park to play. We saw quite a few GR “Game Night” faces including the first few in line. Here’s a set of photos from the evening. Free T shirts, photo booths, Portos food, drinks, live painting by Yoskay Yamamoto and Mari Inukai and more. Visits by artists throughout the night included Kent Williams, Audrey Kawasaki, Luke Chueh, Carlos Ramos, Korin Faught and even more. Yes, it was a cross over type of night – which usually are the best.
Monaco is a game of heisting. Playing this felt like you were Robert DeNiro in The Score. Running from guards, sneaking around, hacking, and more. Oceans 11 and 12? That too! Made by Pocketwatch games, it’s a thrilling and that’s Andy Schatz on the right below.
3DS Streetpass action.
Another successful Game Night and it helps that Meat Bun has a new line of shirts which we’ll make available at any time. Watch for further posts. Fez is a beautiful game and with it’s sound has a shoegaze element to it. superHYPECUBE takes you into another dimension. It takes 3d Glasses. The developer (below right), Phil Fish from Polytron flew in from Montreal to attend. It’s an honor having him here.
Mike from Meat Bun and Kinuko who designed the shirt he’s wearing. (Yes that design was an art piece in Game Over at Giant Robot SF)
many more photos below.