Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Sion Sono’s epic films showed this weekend at Cinefamily in LA. Here’s a shot of Sion Sono below. Unknown to a most of the sold out crowd was the fact that we brought in some extra fun in the form of food trucks. Lomo Arigato brought in the Japanese Peruvian food. I saw some of the folks munching down. Out in the patio was James Chong and Jesse Fillingham. The next day featured Mandoline Grill, Mari Inukai and Albert Reyes! Lomo Arigato! This pic rocks. Jesse and James brought their wares. These guys are great.
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“Police alleged the three arrested “hacktivists” had been involved in a recent attack on Sony’s PlayStation Network, as well as cyber-attacks on Spanish banks.” Well, it seems as if some members of hacking collective Anonymous are not so anonymous anymore. Three Spaniards believed to be members of that group have been arrested by Spanish police in connection with the recent hacking attacks on the Sony PlayStation Network. You may recall in late April, Sony announced that personal data from 77 million PlayStation Network user accounts had been stolen, and the network was shut down to prevent further damage and piracy. The Spanish hackers, who were arrested in Almeria, Barcelona and Alicante, have been accused of coordinated hacking attacks through a server in a house in Gijon in Northern Spain. In addition to hacking Sony’s network, the Spanish hackers and Anonymous are suspected of breaking into government servers in Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand, mostly using “zombie” computers. This is why NATO considers these, literally, bad boys a major threat to secure military computer networks. (Reuters – Anonymous Hacks Sony)
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Here’s the link to this week’s Giant Robot Time Blast.
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Button Making with Busy Beaver Button Co’s Christen Carter is a crowd pleaser. Anyone who walked into GR2 was stoked into making buttons. How often do you walk into a shop and get to make something so complete as a button? Some drew and some collaged and created wearable art. Buttons are a ubiquitous accessory these days that a) spreads a message and/or b) compliments attire and makes people happy. Here’s a photo set of the event. That’s Christen Carter operating the 2 1/4 inch button maker. It takes just a moment and the results, super cool. This little dude is named Connor. He walked in, drew two button in a minute and left with a smile. Check out them baby teeth. After he left, I realized, this was Justin Chon from the Twilight movies. I met him a while ago for an instant. He was also in Crossing Over. Take a look at the screen cap of the GR Sticker right next to him. Yes, I guess we’re cosmically connected, perhaps by an art director. Some came super prepped up with photo clips and more to turn into buttons. [nggallery id=19]
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Here is a little treat for you, a website chock full of playable digital replicas of those handheld, card-shaped LCD arcade games we all played in the ‘80s and early ‘90s. There are currently 27 games in total on display, and most of them you can actually play in your web browser. A big part of the fun, which also caused a little bit of sadness, was looking at all of the crisp images of these little handheld arcades and remembering which ones we loved the best and actually owned at one time. And it may surprise you, as it did us, that not all of these games are Japanese. A fair number of them are Russian, and few are from Taiwan. One Russian game, “Nu, pogodi!” involves a wolf trying to catch eggs in a basket, and is very simple, whimsical and fun. Yep, this site is one of the best time-wasters you’ve probably seen in awhile ( – Handheld LCD Game Madness) The game arcade page was created by Polish design company Hipopotam Studio. Their website is also pretty interesting:
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