Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Sarah Lee, a Northern Californian graduated from Art Center and has created thought provoking pieces that often feature animals depicting poignant scenes. She’ll be part of Living Depictions opening this weekend at GR2. GR: A lot of you work features Apes, especially in an older piece for the Game Over exhibition at GR. Can you talk about why apes appear in your work? SL: Why not apes? In a way they become more interesting to look at outside.  With apes, essentially they’re all doing human things, but rather than portray a human I’d rather the audience think of the subject as a simpler creature, of one who acts purely out of basic emotion to simplify the narrative. Apes are a reflection of who we are in some ways, the brut power of their strength and their sensitive nature. Can you talk about the political nature of your work? SL: The world is a jungle and you’re just trying to survive in it. In addition, Darwin’s theory: “The survival of the fittest,” because it’s a “dog it dog world” out there. GR: You mentioned you went around the world. How does that impact your art work? SL: Well my work refencences a lot of old world storytelling from various cultures across the globe. I love learning about folklore, myths etc and applying that inspiration back into my work. GR: Can you talk about the process of your pieces? The colors are interesting. SL: Usually wood paper with acrylic, but my work is a jungle sometimes. It gets to a point where I dont know what’s in there anymore. Mixed media works. GR: Tell me about your latest works? SL: My lastest work, “No Reservstions” is about Meat. Meat: divine creature that humans are desperately trying to devour. Except that the animals have had enough, but in reality there’s no way to escape their fate.  Perhaps a look at food culture’s evolution with food perversion as promoted by shows like Anthony bourdain’s. Also with that same wording these animals are ready to strike with no reservations. With no meat there would be no reservations at restaraunts.
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I don’t call myself an artist even though I like art a lot, but I’m in the “Artist Spotlight”. Thanks Judy Lei CV:   If there was one superpower the GIANT ROBOT can have, what would it be? EN:  Our big bot is not a superhero.  Rather, it is in the same ranks as a human being.  If you look at it, all of them are named after regular human beings:  the police officer, the fireman, the teacher, etc. just normal day-to-day people.  We try to throw in some different element in it, like the Men In Black and pink ranger, but people don’t know that.  In the end, all characters are created by human beings. (Asian Cinevision - Eric Nakamura) Instagram photos!
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Los Angeles I’m Yours Interview is a bit generous with the title: The Ability To Do Everything: An Interview With Eric Nakamura. Nice photos and nice job. Thanks much fellas. It’s an honor. Eric Nakamura is one of those people who will talk to anyone. He’s extremely approachable, extremely nice, and extremely talented. He can do just about anything too, from running a successful store to a….. (LAI’mYours – Eric Nakamura)
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