Giant Robot Store and GR2 News


As soon as I found out that my pal Adam Pfahler was in a new band that was starting to play shows, I asked him if they would play our next Save Music in Chinatown benefit. And then they said yes. Wow. The group not only features Adam (who was in Jawbreaker, J Church, Whysall Lane, all among my favorite bands) but Jason White (from Monsula, Pinhead Gunpowder, Green Day, and a bunch of other favorite bands) and Dustin Clark (The Insides, who I’m guessing that I’ll love). So cool of them to book their first SoCal tour around our punk matinee/benefit show for music education at Castelar Elementary that will take place on Sunday, May 18.

How could I not ask him some questions about playing in Chinatown, the new band, some old bands, and an old friend…

Most people think of you as a Bay Area guy but you grew up in L.A. Did you ever get to see any punk shows in Chinatown?
I remember going to the Hong Kong Cafe after shows to drink coffee and listen to the jukebox but never saw a show there. Maybe it was a bit before my time. I’m sure I’ve been to shows at Madame Wong’s in the mid-eighties but I couldn’t tell you who I saw!

Jawbreaker had a band meeting there once around the time we were practicing in Highland Park before recording our first album. It wasn’t a venue at that point and was just a bar and restaurant. So we’re having a beer and bao there one afternoon and out of nowhere a fight breaks out between these two really tough Chinese girls. They’re full-on punching each other in the face. Like, shit’s falling off tables and everything. It’s so gnarly that everyone in the restaurant pretends that it isn’t happening. One of the girls screams, “Fuck you, you two-bit Jawbreaker!” Blake says, “Hey, that’s our band!” I say, “That’s it–the name stays.”

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Top Five from January 2013 1 Oshogatsu Osecchi – January 1st, the best day of the year. It’s when our family gets together and hangs out all day. It starts early and proceeds throughout the day. It’s a pretty food fest and it’s like every holiday put together into one. Photos 2 Jawbreaker drummer Adam Pfahler‘s Talk at GR2. January 5th. We’ll have to try and do more of these. Hosting a retro talk about a beloved band was simple to put on, but fun to hear. Seeing the fans and friend line up to meet Adam afterwards was even better. [youtube]8aBdk6Grbyc[/youtube] 3 LA Times Calendar Section front page article. January 17th. An honor to be featured on the first column on the front page of the Calendar Section of the LA Times with such a long and bright article. Thanks to writer Deborah Vankin. (Link to Article)   4 JANM ends. Yes, it was that time. Jan 20th, 2013, the day the GR Biennale 3 ended. It’s hard to summarize an exhibition that lasted 4 months, but it’s all about thank your to all who helped, participated, JANM, and anyone who visited or even peered online. 5 Shooting video again. Back to messing around with production. I’ll show you later. Thanks to my old bud, Anthony Batt. (Thanks Martin for the idea!)
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When: January 5th Saturday 2-4pm Where: Giant Robot 2 – 2062 Sawtelle Blvd LA, CA 90025 310-445-9276 You got it. January 5th, Saturday 2-4pm. Meet Adam Pfahler, drummer of Jawbreaker. He’ll do a little bit of story time with slides. You can ask him questions, and then he’ll sign some of his albums. We’ll have his new re-releases and T shirts! 
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