Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
The drawing has begun. Katsuya Terada has begun his live drawing stint at JANM. He'll be there a number of days while the museum is open after October 10th, Opening Night. More at Yomyomf Installation photos and more.
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We have some specials at our booth 1729 and we'll be adding more information as it comes.
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Honolulu Museum of Art X Giant Robot X Contempo #ArtShop Giant Robot pop up at the Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House begins June 19th and continues for TEN days! In person will be artists Luke Chueh and Rob Sato....
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The commonality of the hands on sword of Zatoichi and Mari Inukai (painted by Kent Williams) The exhibition concept began last year, somewhere before the furious cold his the East Coast. In short, the idea was to let the original...
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Worcester Museum of Art updated their Samurai! page. Opening Party April 17th! Link Artists in the Exhibition On View
: Katsuya Terada,
Ferris Plock,
Rob Sato,
Kent Williams,
Mu Pan,
Miya Ando,
Moira Hahn,
Yuko Shimizu, Masakatsu Sashie,
Jed Henry,
James Jean,...
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