Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
From Engadget: “Live Park uses 3D video, holograms and augmented reality, interacting with RFID wrist bands and Kinect sensors to stitch together a continuous immersive story. You (and your avatar!) have 65 attractions, over seven themed zones, and the world’s biggest interactive 360 degree stereoscopic theater to wave, jump and shout your way through.” Engadget also put in the press release. At $13 million for a budget, it doesn’t seem as much as you’d think. It’s built for licensing and big business. It also makes mention that it’s like Avatar!
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A story about how one man, Lee Nam-yul, his weird shop and his strange quirks and habits continue no matter what. It’s tradition over modernity. He uses a straight razor from 1880, draws pictures and his shop looks disgusting. Traditional shops like these are becoming more scarce especially in the time of K-pop hair cuts, yet the idea of family continuing their family businesses is romantic and great. In a way, you’d wish there were grants or funds for people who continue traditions. (LA Times – Barber in Korea)
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The idea of sending socks to a far away land via balloon is a feat. The balloons look rudimentary and folks have sent food as well to North Korea. Will they ever hear from the recipients? Will the recipients get in trouble? The messages aren’t political, and hopefully North Koreans really need socks. Yet the great piece of news? A pair of socks can be traded for 22 pounds of corn! (MSNBC – Socks)
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Kei Fischer’s American father met her mother in Japan as an English language teacher. They married and sired her shortly thereafter. Years later, they immigrated to the United States. “I know it sounds clichéd,” Fischer said as she related her story. It may sound like every other story where an American visits Japan and returns with a wife. There’s just one thing. Kei Fischer’s mother isn’t Japanese. She’s Korean. She didn’t discover this until after death of her grandfather. It was then that her mother finally came clean. She deliberately passed herself as Japanese to avoid the negative stigma associated with Koreans in Post-War Japan. Kei Fischer constitutes a marginalized minority in Japan called Zainichi. The Zainichi consist of multigenerational Koreans who immigrated to Japan after the annexation of their homeland in 1910. Some of these minorities sought economic opportunities and scholarships abroad, while several others worked as slave laborers under Japanese Imperial Rule. Koreans eventually lost their Japanese citizenship after the dissolution of Japan’s colonial reign. Many returned to their broken homeland while others decided to stay and resume their lives in Japan. Since then, they’ve faced fiscal and prejudicial hardships resulting from institutionally discriminatory practices in Japan. Fischer learned about this as she set out to explore this forgotten part of her life. Her journey eventually led her to the Bay Area, where she met Miho Kim. Like Fischer, Kim was a Zainichi from Japan and together they formed an organization called Eclipse Rising with other Zainichi Korean Americans. As founders, Kim and Fischer have been a driving force behind the organization, which doubles as an activist group rather than merely a club of solidarity. “[We want to] develop a Zainichi community that’s physical and recognize a unique perspective that our experiences offer that really can’t be understood beneath a lens of nation states and internationalism since we’re essentially stateless,” Kim said. Other parts of their mission statement include cultivating stronger relationships with other oppressed groups like the LGBT community, Burakumin (‘untouchables’ in Japan), Okinawans, and Ainu among others. In addition to this, they campaign for the peaceful reunification between North and South Korea. As wide reaching as this objective is, it maintains the consistent focus of supporting, empowering, and granting further rights to Japanese minority groups like them. “We’re really fighting the root cause of structural racism within Japan because that’s the only way we can really bring resolution to what has perpetrated this subjucation of Zainichi,” Kim said. She further related her experiences as a Zainichi to those of the Japanese Americans interned during World War II. “Being immortalized, criminalized, and banished, your entitlement taken from under your feet overnight.” Some of their past activities included a recap of their 2010 U.S.-Japan Solidarity Tour. They hosted this as a joint holiday party at the School of Unity and Liberation Office in Oakland, California on December 16th, 2010. The participants of this tour reported the findings of their 9-day long trip where they met the political prisoner...
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It’s merely a jacket like those below. It’s the North Face Himilayan Down Parka that’s $500. You can be the victim of an armed robbery or better yet, you could pose as the boss of a gang. Particularly funny is the except from a blog post that labels each style of jacket. The lower priced ones will label you as a loser. We wonder what Marmot and Patagonia think. (CNNgo – North Face)
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