Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
While James Kochalka in from Burlington, Vermont was installing art, a young woman walked in and said, “this looks familiar” When she found out James Kochalka did American Elf, she got excited and said she was a fan. Fans get hugs. That’s Mari Naomi who happened to be there too. It was a cute moment. Minutes later, the young woman’s mom came and said, “we have to go!” That’s Matt Furie and Aiyana Udesen measuring out the wall. Mark Todd… where are you?!
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FACIAL RECOGNITION April 6 – Apr 24, 2013 Three Person Group Exhibition featuring James Kochalka, Matt Furie and Mark Todd James Kochalka is a comic book artist, musician, and more hailing from Burlington, Vermont. His well known works include a new animated cartoon called Superfuckers. Matt Furie is well known for his illustrative character works, at times featuring super heroes and villains in a world that’s all his own. Mark Todd is an illustrator and instructor at Art Center College of Design. His works are often amalgamations of layers that often comprise his own takes on classic comics covers. All three artists are involved in some type of published work, some of which will be available at Giant Robot. For any other information on or about any of the artists or anything else contact Eric Nakamura at Giant Robot. Seasonal Changes April 6 – Apr 24, 2013 Opening Reception: Saturday, April 6, 2013 6:30 – 10:00 PM GR2 2062 Sawtelle Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90025 eric (at) 310 445.9276
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I wish I shot them all. Maybe I will from now on. Many are fine and smiling. It’s a nice day out and if you’re self employed, you can go bike riding, but it is deadline day at Giant Robot for Game Over. Some artists look like they haven’t had enough sleep. Game Over has near 80 artists involved and that means 20% of the work will show up past deadline. These are some of the folks who walked in their work yesterday. I was happy to see them and I expect many more today. That’s Ray Young Chu below who’d project is comprised of many paintings and wooden cut letters. It’s a game that could easily exist about the L.A. Riots. You can be a first person shooter, looter, or even a police officer. It’s as real as a piece can get. Gary Musgrave – Joust (now corrected) action using acrylic ink. Sarah Lee – Yes that’s inspired by Donkey Kong. It’s a great take of the game. Sara Saedi – Crash Bandicoot. Who remember this game? Mandana Ozlati, Albert Reyes, Aiyana Udesen and Matt Furie in artist pose. Jon Lau doing some Tekken Sana Park Katamari
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Fruitbats are the coolest when they are ridden by mythical beasts. 2k t-shirts are coolest when they are designed by Matt Furie. It’s a combination akin to the kids from captain planet putting their rings together. If you wear this t-shirt, it’s going to take your lameness down to zero. – Aaron Brown Yes, get yours here
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