Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

‘ Amazing how Lost in Translation that’s been sort of forgotten, but also relevant, at least to myself thanks to My Bloody Valentine’s new album, (Kevin Shields did some music for Lost in Translation) still has legs. A bank robber who saw the movie, stopped to talk to Bill Murray. “I saw this man in the street running towards me with a bag in his hand. Then he suddenly stopped when he saw me. He asked me if I was Bob Harris, the character I played in Lost in Translation. I told him, ‘sure, why not’. Then he started telling me how much he loved me and how great he thought I was. I was polite, I told him that was very nice of him to say. Then kind of out of nowhere, police showed up and tackled the man,” Murray said. (Superoffcialnews – Bob Harris) [youtube]g496LtVAObc[/youtube] [youtube]Y_RxYE-eui8[/youtube]
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One of the things I really miss about editing Giant Robot magazine is assembling the reviews. Did you know that I actually purchased most of the movies that were listed in the TV Party section? I can’t really justify doing that any more, so I was stoked to receive a couple of interesting screeners from WellgoUSA. Back-to-back viewings of Tai Chi Zero and The Assassins doesn’t quite replace double features at the Kuo Hwa–which got me into Asian movies to begin with–but it’s as close as I get these days.

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