Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
The Gundam is back. 4 million visitors in 52 days, that’s quite a stat and why not do it again. It’s going to be placed not far from it’s original location and building has begun. There’s isn’t much more to say except it’s global news and attention was amazing for a statue of a robot. The video below shows it’s current reconstruction phase. (Asiajin – Gundam) [youtube]EmzORC9IUgw[/youtube]
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You’d wish this has guns, or something that would keep prisoners in, but instead, this is just a cute looking robot that rolls around and observes prison cells. At 850,000, you’d hope that this would be used as a weapon rather than a remote control car! (Digital Trends – S Korea Robots)
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This will probably get the support to be something for sale soon. Yes, it’s a Macross transforming LEGO figure! It’s up for support votes at LEGO’s CUUSOO site – the crowd sourcing idea platform.
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The Asimo robot can now run, grab cups, open jars and jump. This is starting to get weird. Watch the running part! The technology is amazing and what’s next? Swimming? [youtube]lrHT_3cG_UI[/youtube]
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This is supposed to be a robot suit that’ll help clean up the Fukushima disaster. It’s supposed to lighten the load of the 132 pound nuclear suit and relieve pressure in general. But will it really? Supposedly so. There is video of people walking with the bottom portion of the outfit on, but really, all they do is walk. Surely it’s easier to walk without it. The weird thing is the company who makes this suit is called Cyberdyne, ironically the same as the evil company in Terminator! In case you didn’t notice, the suit is called HAL. The irony and fun of cleaning up a 30 year mess. (Atlanticwire – Hal)
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