Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
The most expensive place to live? Tokyo and… surprise, Angola. Osaka is third on a list according to a consulting company. Yes, and search Angola in Google. Among the first 10 images aside from maps is the woman below. In Angola, an apartment can set you back 6,000. We’re not sure what the average is, but it’s a surprising name to hear about. London is #25.
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It’s bittersweet since the penguin looks healthy after two months of freedom in a crowded Tokyo Bay. Sometimes, the stupidest thing like a penguin thriving against the odds and not needed any human help is a great story in itself. Now, the Tokyo Aquarium has a new feature and it cost them nothing. Yeah that’s the business thinking in gear already. (CNN – Tokyo Penguin)
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Tonki restaurant was founded 73 years ago and while surfing just a bit, I ran into an article about this and then found a post from the past. I’ve been to the shop, and it’s an amazing place. (Japantimes – Tonki) Here’s a post from 2010 on a visit there. It just happens that it’s located near the station and it’s just a cool place. It’s not exactly cheap, but it’s worth the visit. There is something special about the wood counters, seating, and it’s cleanliness for a place that’s cooking in oil. It feels great and clean and they’ll also give you as much cabbage as you handle – sometimes it’s the underdog item. (GR – Tonki) Here’s a video of the shop [youtube]O8pIRNi16EA[/youtube]
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That’s the Tokyo Sky Tree. It’s a huge structure that exists just to have it exist. A tourist trap, a monument or a testament, it’s huge and open. It’s 634-meter (2,080-foot) and will get featured in films and more. The Tokyo Tower as much as any huge monument made appearances in films including one of it’s name sake. (Huffington Post – Sky Tree)
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The lost penguin who escaped from the Tokyo Sea Life Park has been found after two months of freedom. The penguin appears to be healthy and energetic. It’s amazing that a single bird can elude captors everywhere. (Huffington Post – Penguin)
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