Uglycon2016 Event Photos and Round Up

Uglycon 2016 at GR2 opening took place on July 9th. It spanned from the AM to about 6pm. It's a fun filled day and it shows that an indie event can work regardless of the space and size of a location. 

First the gallery is filled with art. Tons of it from all over the world. It took a couple of days to get everything up and priced, but that's only a tiny portion of the event. The fun includes the micro events that take place. First under the blue tent, there are Shrinky Dinks, but since there are no official Uglydoll Shrinky Dinks, this means setting up a template and hand drawing them onto the shrinking plastic. Then you need the right pens. They don't all work! Under the red tent is the Babo mask which you make in preparation to scavenger hunt for Babo's cookies. There are twelve hidden on the block. Meanwhile, there's the button hunt which are sort of like achievements depending on where you go. Many visited Balconi, Blutusk, Nong La, B Sweet, Giant Robot, Hurry Curry, and Luna Noir and collected them all. It's a shame some spots didn't respond to this free promotion, but the idea is to keep people moving and sharing the area. That makes the day fun.

The last two events of the day are a blast. A photo walk took place at 4pm, and before hand Uglydoll co-creator David Horvath explained how he's been using water bottle to stand up an Uglydoll for the last 15 years. That's all it is! So then a photo contest ensued. People marched around Sawtelle Blvd. Many of the entries are buried at and there are more photos at We used Instagram to inform the winners of their prizes. 

Finally, the ending is BINGO (WORMY)! Imagine a room filled with Uglycon friends who know that the prizes are amazing. The numbers get called off of an iPhone and it works just like that. It's fun to hear people yell Wormy! At one point a four way tie ensued and we did an epic Rock Paper Scissors to see who won. 

There's more at the Flickr Set and if you made it through, we hope you had fun. It was a great day at GR.