Book cover of an illustrated version of Yayoi Kusama, dressed in a red and white polka dot body suit and laying atop of a pile of white with red polka dot sculptures.
Full page spread of a graphic novel detailing the life of artist Yayoi Kusama.

Kusama: The Graphic Novel

Regular price $ 19.99

128 pages, 7 x 9.5 inches. Hardcover Graphic Novel.

From rural Japan to international icon - Yayoi Kusama has spent her remarkable life immersed in her art.

Follow her incredible journey in this vivid graphic biography, by Elisa Macellari, which details her bold departure from Japan as a young artist, her embrace of the buzzing New York art scene in the 1960s, and her eventual return home and rise to twenty-first-century super-fame.

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