Box of postcards from My Neighbor Totoro, featuring a pop up style graphic of Totoro flying through the night sky with two small girls in pajamas on his stomach.
Example of pop up notecard, featuring a scene of Totoro and a young girl standing at the bus stop in the rain. The pair are popped up out of the background, creating 3 dimensionality.
Example of 5 different post card designs in the box set, all featuring artwork from My Neighbor Totoro on the exterior and interior. Interior of each card contains a pop up element.

My Neighbor Totoro - 10 Pop-up Notecards and Envelopes

Regular price $ 18.95

Includes 10 pop-up cards (2 copies of 5 designs)Measures 4.5 x 6.5 inches.

Featuring art from Studio Ghibli's beloved My Neighbor Totoro, these notecards capture the bright fun and excitement remembered so fondly from the movie. Featuring a pop-up display when each card is opened, each card is perfect to send to your favorite Totoro lover or loved one!

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