Zine cover for Barry McGee's T.H.R. zine with color blocks over his art, graffiti lines and an illustrated sectioned face of one of his characters.
Open 2 page full book bleed spread of photos: a large "twist" tag, a tag that reads "miss lonely hearts" and a photo of someone standing in front of 2 motorized scooters.
Open 2 page full book bleed spread of photos: a large "track" tag, and tags covered up heavily by patchy paint.
Open 2 page full book bleed spread of photos: a collage of many same style colorful paintings and a Barry McGee style pattern and cartoon tag of someone smoking.
Back cover of zine, a black and white photo of Barry hugging someone with a shirt with Old English font on the back.

Barry McGee - Untitled Zine 2024 (T.H.R.)

Regular price $ 55.00

Softcover, 80 pages, 9 x 7 inches.

The new untitled zine by Barry McGee features Barry's photographic works, a very essential part of his artistic scope. Published by Tokyo based publishing house Scooters For Peace, this zine includes photos of Barry's artworks, tags, portraits - all documenting his environment and daily experiences, allowing the viewer to look through the lens in which Barry sees the world through.

Released November 2024.