Yokai: Folklore & Fables - Sarah Pinner - "He's On To Me"
Seed beads.
Artwork measures 5 x 7 inches.
" A man living with his fiancé decided to visit his friend in a neighboring town. He left his fiancé at home and rode at night on a trail to his friend's house. While riding, he was attacked by an owl. The owl swooped down at him and attacked him a couple times so the man brought out his machete and whacked it in the shoulder. He then continued to his friends house and arrived the next morning. Upon arrival, the police came and informed him that his fiancé had been attacked. They drove him home to see her and when he arrived she was lying on the bed bleeding from her shoulder. The man asked his fiancé what had happened and she said, 'You, my love, you attacked me.' He asked again because he didn’t remember this and she said, 'I visited you on the trail and you hit me with your machete.' He backed away from her and said, 'I want nothing to do with you! Last night you came to me as an owl. Only evil people transform into animals.'"
This piece is part of the group exhibition Yokai: An Art Exhibition of Folklore & Fables at Giant Robot Store running from July 10th, 2021 - August 6th, 2021.
- There is a No Returns Policy from the moment artwork is purchased.
- Artwork remains on the wall for the duration of the show. Usually, art is sent out 2 weeks after the show comes down.
- Because these are unique art pieces, it is possible that the piece you want has sold before we've had a chance to update the site. If this happens, you will contacted about a refund or exchange.
- Art once purchased is not open for trade
- Pick-up Orders will be ready on the Saturday after the closing of the exhibition
In-Person Viewing is now available at Giant Robot Store, Saturdays - Sundays 12:00 pm - 6:00pm.