Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
I’m always following the work of George Takei. The photo below is from a talk we did together. Who has more greys… me?! He’s on Celebrity Apprentice and he’s supporting the Japanese American National Museum and is talking about it on Good Day LA. (The link opens a video) This man is awesome. At bottom, he intro’d the Giant Robot Biennale 2 and I hope he does Biennale 3 for us in September. [youtube]Ym-4vcnbgNA[/youtube]
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George Takei is on CNN Blogs. While we enjoy is “rebirth” that he attributes to being on the Howard Stern show, and he’s now going to be on Celebrity Apprentice playing for Japanese American National Museum. This little article talks about what drives him. (CNN Blogs – George Takei)
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