Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Panda Poo fertilizes tea that will become the most expensive in the world. $200 a cup. It’s not as if you’re drinking panda poo, but supposedly a lot of nutrients get passed through a panda since all they do is eat and sleep. Yes, it reminds you of the coffee, kopi luwak, but this isn’t tea passed though an animals body, it’s merely in the dirt. Imagine… what fertilizer is being used for the tea or coffee that you drink now? (Reuters – Panda Poo)
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It’s legit. Perhaps this will break down the bootlegging by offering movies online. Why buy the tons of $1 bootleg DVDs when you can just pay a fee and watch it all? It’s the Netflix model in a way. Right now, it’s with Lionsgate films, but tomorrow, it could be every studio signing up. It’s sort of how music has worked it in the age of pirating. Why not earn a few dollars rather than noooothing… (Bradenton – Youku)  
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