Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

This might be how The Great Wall of China was made. Pizza Hut China has been documented in the past for it’s food architecture. Not by the shop, but by the customers. We reported some images in the past and now this infographic takes it to the next level. Yet, gluttons eating this much cucumber (perhaps 5 cucumbers?) and carrot sticks (10 carrots?) makes no sense. Seeing this infographic makes us think that they should just allow more than one trip. (Dailymail UK – Pizza Hut China)  
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It’s not the actual poo. We thought we’d break that to you, but the nutrients from the panda excrement is being used as fertilizer for a special tea that definitely soaks in the goodness from the panda’s diet. It’s said that panda only digest 30% of what they’re eating, so the excrement is actually filled with nutrients.  An Yanshi, below bought 11 tons of feces from the ass of a panda and is growing this specialty tea. What do panda’s eat? Bamboo! What’s Bamboo associated with? Long Life. It all comes at a price. $35,000 for 18 ounces and might be a hit with someone in China… it’s higher than the high priced Kopi Luwak which are made from coffee beans passed through the digestive tract of an Asian Civet (cat like animal). (Yahoo – Panda Poo Tea)  
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The Unstoppable Billion. Here’s an example of an article that’s super long. It’s filled with insights and written by an author of books who’s appeared on news channels everywhere, and in the end, people will have to read this in chunks or better yet just the first paragraph. Perhaps Gordon Chang should make an audio book or podcast version. In the sad state of our world, the Japanese 20% Off Fuckin’ Sale photo will get more popular than a crafted article like this. Which then leads to… what’s really important to people? How does one balance this in a publication? These were some of the things I juggled at Giant Robot. A magazine can be filled with informative articles but the one liner poo joke will get the most comments. (The Diplomat – Billion)  
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That’s the CCTV headquarters building in Beijing Government in China, ridded 2/3 of the television shows. We reported just a couple of days ago, that Hu Jintao, President of China wants to reverse the Western influence (Sans the making money part) and now is narrowing down the TV shows. From the Global Post “Beijing’s Xinhua news agency said the number of prime-time entertainment shows on satellite TV had dropped to just 38 per week since the directive came into force on Jan. 1, AgenceFrance Presse reported. There used to be 126.” Instead, TV watchers in China, you’re going to get more news bulletins (propaganda).
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