Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

This might be how The Great Wall of China was made. Pizza Hut China has been documented in the past for it’s food architecture. Not by the shop, but by the customers. We reported some images in the past and now this infographic takes it to the next level. Yet, gluttons eating this much cucumber (perhaps 5 cucumbers?) and carrot sticks (10 carrots?) makes no sense. Seeing this infographic makes us think that they should just allow more than one trip. (Dailymail UK – Pizza Hut China)  
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Pizza Hut in China allows only one plate at the salad bar? So here’s what’s some folks have figured out. It’s not a new story, but this is amazing and definitely stands up as a how to today. Line up the carrots, it’s the major factor in developing a stronger base for the plate. Also if you like carrots, this will help. Then it’s time to stack cucumbers, and fill the insides with whatever you like. If you like food, this is how to beat a salad bar. How does anyone balance this? (dailyfacepalm – Pizza Hut)   This video is also amazing.   [youtube]CgHFBnwC_sI[/youtube]
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