Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Tourism. Bring it. From a small business perspective, it’s important. It does make a difference. Open some flood gates. Yes, it’s a problem with emigration and safety but it’s fine for other countries like Japan, etc. In China, there are only 5 places for the entire population to get a visa and the wait time is a 120 days! According to ABC news, “In the last decade, the U.S. lost out on 78 million overseas visitors — that’s $606 billion in spending — in stores, malls, tourist destinations right here in America. Enough to add nearly half a million jobs every year.” (ABC – Tourism) There’s a lot of ramifications with opening some flood gates, but the short term could use it. The long term can be problematic.
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Braised or stewed Koala. Can it be? Do people really want to eat a marsupial? Is the bottom really a koala? This was spotted at a restaurant in Panyu, in Guangdong, China. There’s a contingent saying that it’s all not true, but there’s also another saying that this could be true. The photo below is one that was snapped. Doesn’t look like a koala… (smh – Koala)
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From rice grains a blood protein called HSA can be had according to researchers in China. HSA isn’t blood, so you still need to give blood. “HSA is used in hospitals for resuscitation, when patients need fluids, when they have lost blood, or for burn victims. According to the authors of the study, the findings suggest that the transgenic rice seeds may be a cost-effective source for HSA and might help satisfy an increasing worldwide demand for the protein.” Of course Fox uses the Dracula photo for this article. What would be funny is if anyone who does get this rice derviced HSA, turned Asian. (Fox – HSA)
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Darci Liu might not win International Surf Contests just yet and she lost in the first round of a pro surf contest in Hainan Island against world champion Jennifer Smith. It’s not the loss, but it’s putting China on the map as a place where surfing can happen. She’s the ambassador after beginning a career as a ballerina. (Reuters – Darci Liu) [youtube]1syluGO3I70[/youtube]
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Frank Gehry is looking towards Asia for projects as the US Economy slows. Asia? More like China and India. His quotes aren’t so settling. “One challenge of designing in a country such as China is the lower pay for projects, Gehry said in the interview this week. Architects get paid a percentage of construction costs, which in China are about a third of what they are in the U.S., he said. Further, it says he’s going to open an office in China to work with the locals. Of course you should work with the locals! ““I have over 100 people in my office,” said Gehry, who formed the partnership in 2001. “At my age, I would love only to work in Los Angeles, maybe Santa Monica, maybe Beverly Hills.”” Then spend some of your millions and millions and keep working in the places you want. (Business Week -Gehry)
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