Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

It had to happen. Everyone uses disposable chopsticks almost everywhere, and they go straight to the trash. Unlike plastic which can be made and remade and yet made again, chopsticks come from somewhat of a finite source and we’ll use them faster than they can grow. Half of the sticks go to China, the other half get divided up between other countries in Asia. Countries like Japan preserve their own forest but continue to import them from other countries, which just passes the buck further. We’re not sure if this article is water tight, but it does open the doors for discussions on chopsticks. (nytimes – Deforesting for Chopsticks) In the US there’s the Korean American run Georgian Chopstick company. (giantrobot – Georgia)   Photo from DDB Shanghai 
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Mining is some provinces are ruining The Great Wall of China. Yes, the wall is super long. Longer than what’s really ever looked at. It could be a tourist trap someday nearly everywhere, when trips to China become easy and inexpensive. It is a huge place. However for now, their number one tourist trap is being ruined by miners who want that quick dollar. If it’s going to get that messed up, why not just sell pieces. The Wall police will surely not catch anyone. Here’s some ideas who who to sell to. 1) 6 Flags. Make a theme park around it. Great Wall Rides, Burgers, rickshaw rides, and costumed peasants will round this out into a great experience. 2) Rich Baller. Yes, in a living room, imagine a ten foot span of The Great Wall of China in a living room. That would be a conversation piece . 3) Tourists. Break off tiny pieces and package it as piece of The Great Wall. Price at $20 each so it can be haggled down to $10. 4) Museums. American Museum of Natural History. The big one of them all. They should do what’s happened in the history of plundering and buy this chunk from the locals. If not, just steal it, ala The British Museum has. They might need to return it one day after more haggling. 5) Chinese Medicine Companies. Surely The Great Wall itself has to have some medicinal qualities of long life or keeping evil spirits away. Drink bits of it and live longer. “Increase the Chi with The Great Wall”. (Reuters – The Destruction of The Great Wall of China) That’s an untouristy portion of The Great Wall I shot in 2008.    
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The infamous podcast and the measuring stick of them all has a story about one person’s “adventure” in a Chinese prison for eight months for a head butting incident. It explains the culture, the experience, and the guy doesn’t sound like it was that much of a regret. It’s not the deepest of podcasts, but it’s an interesting tale of the more fun moments of one person’s stay. Rats, yes that part was disgusting. (thisamericanlife – Prison)
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China Toddler Rescued. There’s still conflicting reports that the baby has died. Yet across the net is the follow up to the internet sensation video. Sensation sounds fun and glorious but this one is a tragic situation. The lone woman who helped out gets 3k as a reward and growing. There’s not much upside to a story like this, and maybe getting recognized to help is one positive reinforcement for people to give a crap. If the video below doesn’t load, just click the link. (CNN – China Toddler)  
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HBO making a show called China Doll which is the brainchild of the creators of Big Love. “It is about China, Chinese Americans, robots, the effect of technology on our lives and the China moment in American consciousness,” says Mark Olsen – one of the creators. A mixed racial marriage, Asian woman of course and a robot!? Wow, it’s back to the past when robots made it into sitcoms. (Collider – China Doll) )
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