Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
[youtube]av25rwEUot8[/youtube] The blind dissident attorney got some notoriety during an attempted visit by Christian Bale. When we posted the visit during Bale’s Chinese film promotion, people criticized our own critique of Christian Bale. Yes, was it a promo for his film? Perhaps. Has he mentioned the dissident since? No. Yet, Chinese Dissident Chen Guangcheng is now free. He escaped by the hands of helpers however his family is now under attack as retaliation. What will he do now and where will he go? The video is voiced over in English. (CNN – Chen Guangcheng) Here’s a BBC report below [youtube]b2qHzrgnXjQ[/youtube]
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Fang Lizhi passes away in the US. He was outspoken against the Chinese Government during the 1989 Tianamen Era. A university professor in China, he hid in the US Embassy for months, and then lived in exile in Arizona since. (Washington Post – Fang Lizhi)
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It’s amazing how crowd sourcing can help. $840,000 so far and he turned down $157k from a single person. I hope the crowds will continue to help him and the many others out there including us. Ai Weiwei has become a symbol for artists and freedom. It was just a few years ago that he spoke on campuses and was as approachable as anyone else. (NY Times – Ai Weiwei)
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