Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Giant Robot is getting ready for the special signing with artist Ryan McGinness this Friday, May 27th. For this upcoming signing, we have received new stock of art books, notebooks, and stationery that feature the work of Ryan McGinness. Ryan McGinness is an international artist, living and working in Manhattan. He grew up in the surf and skate culture of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and then studied at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as an Andrew Carnegie Scholar. During college, he interned at the Andy Warhol Museum. Known for his original extensive vocabulary of graphic drawings which use the visual language of public signage, corporate logos, and contemporary iconography. In addition to our newly released blank cards and composition books, we feature several art books that focus on the extensive work or Ryan McGinness. Make your order by Friday, May 27th in order to have your items custom-signed by Ryan McGinness himself!
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…is to make beautiful music. Or somehow get this tune out of my head. You know when you have a tune stuck in your head and it bothers you that you can not remember the title of the song. Maybe a few keys on the piano will help? Or whistling the tune? But most likely, I’m going to figure it out with an Otamatone or two. Released by Maywa Denki, the creators of the popular Knockman series, the electronic Otamatone made its debut at Giant Robot late last year! These instruments came in two colors – black and white. With their continued success and popularity, the company released smaller and more portable versions, the Otamatone Keychains! These miniature versions were released in four different colors as blue, pink, white, and black. The best part of this release is that each miniature otamatone can play 11 different songs, that you can play along with or just listen to. These keychains are much more fun and entertaining when you bring them along everywhere!
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