Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Ryan McGinness glances and makes eye contact to a question asker, during his entertaining and informative lecture at Giant Robot 2 on Friday, May 27th, 2o11 as part of his 2011 Los Angeles Tour. McGinness and his staff graciously added Giant Robot to his schedule of events and on a calm Southern California friday evening and night, his fans and passers by enjoyed gr/eats made BBQ Chili dogs and Chili burgers, an outdoor projection of a “vintage” McGinness animated video, lecture, and a signing of his books and products. One of our favorite pages captures nearly everything. On the left side, something akin to a butterfly. It’s part of McGinness’s “pretty” imagery, but at the same time, it’s juxtapozed by the “balls” to add masculinity. The bottom left appears to be a sketch for one of his large scale paintings which we learned isn’t orchestrated necessarily by the exact placing of each “icon” screen, but more so as a whole. McGinness did seem to be in a place to perhaps explore the placement of each screen in the future. On the right, a tape cassette that says “Love”, and it’s being torn apart. It’s a sad image. McGinness is often designing buttons, t-shirts, and products which are often never made. They live in his sketchbook. Images from his sketchbook lived on the window at Giant Robot 2 throughout the weekend. [nggallery id=16]
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A welcome guest and crew. That’s Ryan McGinness on the right who’s still in LA as part of his month long “tour”. His stop at Giant Robot 2 is tomorrow Friday 7-10, you’re invited. He’s be delivering a lecture at around 8pm. It’ll be cozy. Come get a dog, a slider, and a soda! Here’s the event info.
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Giant Robot is getting ready for the special signing with artist Ryan McGinness this Friday, May 27th. For this upcoming signing, we have received new stock of art books, notebooks, and stationery that feature the work of Ryan McGinness. Ryan McGinness is an international artist, living and working in Manhattan. He grew up in the surf and skate culture of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and then studied at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as an Andrew Carnegie Scholar. During college, he interned at the Andy Warhol Museum. Known for his original extensive vocabulary of graphic drawings which use the visual language of public signage, corporate logos, and contemporary iconography. In addition to our newly released blank cards and composition books, we feature several art books that focus on the extensive work or Ryan McGinness. Make your order by Friday, May 27th in order to have your items custom-signed by Ryan McGinness himself!
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Giant Robot is proud to host a BBQ, lecture and signing with Ryan McGinness in support of Sketchbook Selections: 2000-2011, his upcoming publication from Gingko Press. This special event will take place on May 27 from 7-10 p.m. There is no guest list or ticketing required, but signing will be limited to McGinness items purchased at GR2. Ryan McGinness Sketchbook Selections: 2000-2011 BBQ, lecture, and book signing Friday, May 27, 2011, 7-10 p.m. GR2 2062 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 445-9276 This special event will take place on May 27 from 7-10 p.m. There is no guest list or ticketing required, but signing will be limited to the new book and other McGinness items purchased at GR2. Ryan McGinness is an American artist known for his extensive vocabulary of graphic drawings that use the visual language of public signage, corporate logos and contemporary iconography. He uses this imagery to create paintings, sculptures and environments. He studied at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania as an Andrew Carnegie Scholar and interned at the Andy Warhol Museum. McGinness’ work can be found in permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Cincinnati Art Museum, MUSAC in Spain and the Misumi Collection in Japan. Giant Robot was born as a Los Angeles-based magazine about Asian, Asian-American, and new hybrid culture in 1994, but has evolved into a full-service pop culture provider with shops and galleries, as well as an online equivalent. For a full schedule of McGinness’ LA projects: For more information about the event, GR2, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact: Eric Nakamura Giant Robot Owner/Publisher (310) 479-7311
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