Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Halloween in El Sereno is one of the greatest backyard events. Albert Reyes opens up his home to guests, bands, and strangeness at his haunted maze that's up all year around. This year, the maze featured a strange red mannequin...
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More timeless than being the “Sexy _______” is the be “Asian” Halloween Costume. You still have plenty of time to order your favorites online if they’ve sold out of the “Sassy” geisha costumes at Target. Yellow Face will always be as American as apple pie – or at least as American as Apple products made by unpaid Chinese teenagers. Happy halloween!!!
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More timeless than being the “Sexy _______” is the be “Asian” Halloween Costume. You still have plenty of time to order your favorites online if they’ve sold out of the “Sassy” geisha costumes at Target. Yellow Face will always be as American as apple pie – or at least as American as Apple products made by unpaid Chinese teenagers. Happy halloween!!!
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It wouldn’t be October without Julianna Parr’s annual Gothtober project, the best online Halloween advent calendar out there. We’re almost half-way through! Day 1 with Bob Baker’s Marionettes is a special kick off. Most people rank Halloween at the top of their “favorite holiday” list, and it’s not even one you get a present for! Is it the chance to dress up as a slutty ear of corn? Or maybe you prefer to humiliate– I mean, dress up your dog as Yoda. Your children are also fair game. Why let them choose their costume when you can act out your fantasies and dress them up as Frida Kahlo? You can explain who she is when your daughter might care in about 15 years. Halloween is the holiday you never have to outgrow, and it’s a great dry-run for your next San Diego Comic Con Masquerade. You too can be a part of Gothtober 2013 – well, not yet, but you can start planning ahead. Julianna Parr, lovingly known to her pals as JP, is a creativity curator. Gothtober is a collection of projects ranging from film, craft, cooking, music and animation. JP brings out the best in people who like to make things fun. She’s had weekly practice for over a decade in Silverlake, at Akbar’s weekly Craftnight, where she mentors attendees through accessible projects with a special theme as the venerable Craft Captain . If you’re not in the Halloween spirit yet (or you just can’t decide what you’re wearing to those parties you’ve been invited to) check out, or drop in on Craftnight and get inspired. And… it’s okay if you want to dress up as slutty food, or if you want to be a Furry for a day/night. No one’s gonna judge you until November 1st.
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For your Halloween delight, Witches in Philippines… When we say cold, yes we’re sure it’s cold. These witches who are in a deep rooted region, cast spells like making one see their ex-lover remember your face! Check out this article and the below is the only photo. Wish there were more! (LA Times – Witches)
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