Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Justin Scrappers Morrison is a gentleman. He lived in Portland and touched many lives with his positive-vibed, mountain man attitude. When there’s police breaking up a Comic Con bonfire party, Scrappers acted like the ultra naive and honest with a huge dollop of smart-ass mixed in. Scrappers has traded in his Pacific Northwest forest life for palm trees and shave ice. He’s now living in Maui. For the GR2 Robots exhibition, he pulled off something unique. A robot made from parts that he found on the beaches of Maui. A vintage oil can, really? You can see the art page here. His new venture is a blog called the Department of Awesome, which is fitting. Although it’s about projects that he’s dreaming up, a company that he wishes existed, and includes a lure for an artist residency in his home, it’ll surely form into something unique and fun. That’s the Scrappers way. He did say the blog site is really all about Shave Ice! Scrappers is a man at peace with himself. I think.
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It’s really not that bad as the headlines seems to read. This actually will put you on a boat that looks at the Pacific Ocean gyre. It’s the debris field that is circling the Pacific Ocean, but the new highlight? It’s the tsunami garbage. Bits of wood, plastic, houses, body parts, and destroyed lives. It’s an eco-tour that actually leaves from Hawaii… Sea sick lately? This tour sounds like barrels of fun. The high seas, a boat, and floating garbage. How much are they paying people to go on this, again? (Telegraph – Gyre Tour)
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