Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
You thought online dating in LA was hard? Try being a single guy in China. You thought being a single guy in China was hard? Try being a dead single guy! China’s One Child policy has taken its toll on the straight male population now old enough to be goaded into marriage by eager parents. Chinese men are looking for foreign brides in the most non-traditional places. Even when they do find a bride, they still have to worry about authentic natural beauty. Dark days indeed. Now, the plight of the single and deceased. ABC News reports the sentencing of four grave robbers in Southwest China’s Sichuan province. They were digging up dead brides for dead bachelors. These matchmakers with dirt under their nails help broker “ghost marriages” for families who have lost unwed sons. In an effort to help their lost boys keep from wandering this earthly plane in search of “the one”, they marry them off to unwed girls who have met similar fates. The moral of the story: the toughest thing of all is being a woman in China. Alive or dead.
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Corruption will happen. That’s all anyone has to say. The wealthy Hong Kong billionaire, Cecil Chao Sze-tsung wants his daughter to go straight and he’s willing to pay 65 million for the first man who can do his daughter. The “Do” in this case means marriage. Sweep her off her feet and perhaps away from her possible existing same sex marriage and you’ll be set. (DailyMailUK – 65 million)
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Yes, he’s a conservative guy who beats people down for sport. He’s the best and he’s the champ but in a liberal area of LA, and especially in the mid LA area, he’s outnumbered by gays and lesbians. His anti Gay Marriage quotes aren’t helping him at all. It’s said that he quoted a passage from the Bible that allegedly says, “gays should be put to death.” He’s evidently banned from a shopping mall – The Grove. He can’t buy the new IPhone there. As a politician, you’d think he’d know better, but evidently not.
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Chadil Deffy (Deff Yingyuen), a TV director marries his girlfriend of 10 years after she was slaim January 3rd from a car accident. In what seems like a touching gesture becomes publicity, he posts the photos and the video online. Granted, maybe that’s the 2012 reaction to things and it’s how we live, but the body was still “warm” when he posted his photos. Does anyone need to see the video? No. There’s more at: (Huliq – Chadil Deffy)
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Japan already has of the lowest birthrates and a survey of 7000 has found that more than half of the 18-34 men and half of the women are single. The interesting number… the last sentence where it says, 25% of men and woman 35-39 have never had sex. The marriage age grows, and the numbers of single men and women not even looking for a mate is also rising. (BBC – Single Japan) (WSJ – More Single Japan) Photo: pixeltopia
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