Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
“Slowly, they have begun repairing the damage inflicted when the tsunami flooded the first floor to the ceiling.” Teruo and Katsuko Kano call the life they had before the March 11th tsunami a small one. They had friendly neighbors to whom they often said hello, and had the time and pride retired folks often have to clean their modest home and enjoy the beautiful countryside where they had lived in the Motoyoshi community of for 42 years. The disaster changed all that, but did not destroy the possibility that the Kanos can reclaim the lives they had before. For the past month, they have gone back to their home, which miraculously survived the tsunami, and have begun rebuilding and refurbishing it to make it habitable again. Building materials are scarce now, but they have time. Time enough to complete a big task to regain a “small life”. (MSNBC World Blog – Big Task, Small Life)
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