Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
He Liesheng. The Eagle Dad forces his son to try and climb Mt Fuji during the off season when it’s closed and gets freezing cold. They climbed over a barrier and went up anyway. His sign reads something like “Diaoyu Islands belong to China”. Yes, fine, take the islands, but treat your son better. “Strong winds set in but they didn’t deter Eagle Dad. It was only when Duoduo was crying and nearly collapsing from altitude sickness that his father admitted defeat, Daily Mail reported. The strict father had only bought a cup of water and a chocolate bar, thinking there would be steps up the mountain and shops along the way.” (Stuffnz – Eagle Dad)
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Wired UK reports that pressure is building up, and Mount Fuji will blow in the next couple of years: “The pressure in Mount Fuji’s magma chamber is now higher than it was in 1707, the last time the nearly 4,000-metre-high Japanese volcano erupted, causing volcanologists to speculate that a disaster is imminent.” Ugh. I can’t think of anything worse that could happen in Japan. Let’s everyone cross fingers, toes, all available limbs, and hope that Mother Nature gives Japan a break for a bit. Can kozyndan’s bunnyfish please go back to the summit and think non-volcanic thoughts, please!!
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