Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Giant Robot Store 2015 Sawtelle Blvd LA, CA 90025 FRUIT SALAD Art Exhibition Sept 30 - Nov 8, 2017 Reception Sat Sept 30th 6:30 - 10pm Aaron Brown, Aaron Piland, Alexander Vidal, Alex Kao, Ann Shen, Benjie Escobar, Brian Luong,...
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The Obon Festival at the WLA Buddhist Temple happens once a year and this year, he wanted to expand it just a tiny bit. While tons visit the temple and have a great time, they also flock to Sawtelle Blvd....
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The latest GR Time is here. It's the first done without Brandon Kim who is now going to grad school!
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It's Obon at the West LA Buddhist Temple and that means extra fun and reasons to celebrate. Visit the Obon, and participate in a Game Night outdoors and draw with Edwin Ushiro and make sand art with Naoshi at GR1. ...
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