Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

This year, origami happened. I think this can be expanded a lot more in the future. We’ll see what happens. The feature is still the Bonsai. A year later, they look just as good and just about the same. I guess that’s the idea. The tree below is amazing. The dead wood juxtaposes nicely with the living parts. How did this happen? The typical question: “How old is this?”   Blueberry imagawayaki is always great. I need to learn to make this at home. It’s pancake type mix with blueberry. It’s simple if you have the tools. It’s made in a griller! They also make chocolate chip and red bean. Another view of the trees. Put on Rush, The Trees and pretend you’re one inch tall and walking around. That shot! Well this isn’t as good as my shot last year, but it’s decent. Obon in West LA is amazing and I’ll be sure to hit another Obon sometime soon. I still wonder why the food runs out so early on both saturday and sunday? I hope to get more involved in the Obon one day soon.
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This year, origami happened. I think this can be expanded a lot more in the future. We’ll see what happens. The feature is still the Bonsai. A year later, they look just as good and just about the same. I guess that’s the idea. The tree below is amazing. The dead wood juxtaposes nicely with the living parts. How did this happen? The typical question: “How old is this?”   Blueberry imagawayaki is always great. I need to learn to make this at home. It’s pancake type mix with blueberry. It’s simple if you have the tools. It’s made in a griller! They also make chocolate chip and red bean. Another view of the trees. Put on Rush, The Trees and pretend you’re one inch tall and walking around. That shot! Well this isn’t as good as my shot last year, but it’s decent. Obon in West LA is amazing and I’ll be sure to hit another Obon sometime soon. I still wonder why the food runs out so early on both saturday and sunday? I hope to get more involved in the Obon one day soon.
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Sunday Obon. The sun was going down slowly, and walking up La Grange street, you can hear and see people down the street having a good time. It was the last hour of the Obon in West LA. I used to revel in this event. It was one of the greatest moments of the year. I was small and the event was huge. Everywhere I walked felt like something great was happening. These days, it’s just as large, the foods are different and perhaps the changing times are dictating what happens.

No longer can you just buy at the booth. You need to purchase tickets from the specific place. Basically money can’t get messed with by the booth folks. The prizes aren’t the same as they once were. The bake sale area is gone. Goldfish are no longer prizes. Dime pitch into actual glass plates and cups where you keep the item you pitched into, is history.

Yet, the Obon odori (dance) is still festive, the same bonsai look healthy, shave ice (although I didn’t try it this year) looks as great as ever, chicken teriyaki still rules it, chili rice is a solid winner, imagawayaki (pictured below) is something newer and with blueberry and chocolate chip is heroic, bingo remains a favorite, and that’s Obon.




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